4B: Using the Kinect with Max/MSP/Jitter
Sunday October 23, CFA 303 @ 10:45a - 12:45pIn this workshop, presented by Joshua Goldberg, you’ll get to experiment with the Microsoft Kinect sensor in Max/MSP/Jitter, a powerful environment for arts engineering and interactive sound. The Kinect becomes available to the Max environment with the help of Jean-Marc Pelletier’s free Jit.Freenect.Grab library. You’ll be able to:
- Retrieve RGB images.
- Retrieve depth maps.
- Retrieve images from the infrared camera.
- Retrieve accelerometer readings.
- Control the Kinect’s tilt motor.
- Use multiple Kinects simultaneously.
Max is a visual programming language for music and multimedia developed and maintained by San Francisco-based software company Cycling ’74. During its more than 20-year history, it has been widely used by composers, performers, software designers, researchers, and artists for creating innovative recordings, performances, and installations.
Recommended levels: Introductory & Intermediate.
Recommended hardware/software: Please bring a Mac laptop running OSX10.5+ and Max5+. A limited number of Kinect sensors will be available to borrow, but please bring your own if possible.
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